Senin, 06 Oktober 2008

Step Forward, Don't Looking Back Again

I thought….
He was the best in my life
That was the best I ever had
But, when everything became ruin, complicated…
I got down, like there was no way out
Seems like didn’t want to live anymore
But…Then I realized, I was wrong
Met new people…new friends…
The new one…who replaced the past that I really want to forget
I scared to starting again
To share my life with other
But I know, get risks… it’s a must
Try to open my heart once again
Trust the new love that comes to me
Even peoples around push me to thinking more and more
I step forward, choose to risking my future again
For now…I’m glad with my choice
Glad have you by my side
Made me brave to step forward
Made me stop to looking back again
Make my life better than before
Even I know…
It’s just a begining…No one know what will be happened in the end
Just me…My choice…My life…and My future…
Hope this feels will be last forever
Love you even more
Thank’s for being part of my life~


Tak semua hal persis seperti yang terlihat
Tertawa tak slamanya berarti bahagia
Mungkin saja hanya ingin mengurangi kekhawatiran
Menangis tak slamanya berarti sedih
Mungkin saja meneteskan air mata haru
Menjauh bukan berarti ingin dimusuhin
Mungkin saja tidak menemukan cara untuk bergabung
Diam bukan berarti baik-baik saja
Mungkin saja hanya ingin agar seseorang menyadari
Terlihat jelek bukan berarti benar-benar hancur
Mungkin saja hanya tidak tahu bagaimana menampilkan yang terbaik
Indah di luar belum tentu indah di dalam
Buruk di luar belum tentu buruk di dalam
Tak semua orang bisa menampilkan apa adanya dirinya
Tak semua orang bisa jujur dalam menghadapi sesuatu
Tak semua hal dapat diungkapkan dengan kata-kata
Tapi setiap orang mempunyai cara yang berbeda
Untuk menunjukkan perasaan
Mungkin ada yang memilih diam seribu bahasa
Mungkin ada yang marah membabi buta
Mungkin ada yang tertawa terbahak-bahak
Mungkin ada yang hanya tersenyum tersipu
Yang terlihat hanyalah kamuflase
Menutupi kenyataan dibalik kesemuan

Minggu, 05 Oktober 2008

My First Blog

Still don't have any idea...
Need inspiration...
Just looking around...
Searching for something that can inspired me...
Maybe you or somebody else...
Come and join this blog...
Share with me your moments in life...
The precious, happiness, sadness, and all moments in your life...
The unforgertable moments...
Moments not to be forgotten...
No past, there is no today, also there is no the future...
Don't regret what you've done before...
Don't forget the hard things you've felt...
Just save it in a box you called memories...
Sometimes, you'll realize that...
The things made you hurts...
The things made you feel bad...
The things made you sorry...
Are the things will make your life better...
And you will thank's God, you ever had those moments...
That's all my introduction...
Enjoy it!